Hooray! Inzetrooster exists 10 years

Bericht: Update  

Hooray! Schedule exists 10 years: already more than 1.3 million shifts scheduled

How time has flown by. I still remember how it all started. As volunteer coordinator for the Watersport Vereniging Zandvoort, I soon realised that we needed a smart scheduling tool to schedule all the volunteers. It became an increasingly big job to schedule bar heads, bar shifts, cleaning shifts, with different responsibilities for morning, afternoon and evening. Versions of our Excel sheet regularly went wrong not to mention all the last-minute messages in our app group. The result: no bar service in the clubhouse. That had to change.

My vision: a simple online scheduling application, where volunteers can decide for themselves when and how often they want to do a shift. Mutual shift swaps, a link to the calendar and quick adjustments were also on the wish list. And, of course, a clear overview of open shifts and shifts already filled. As a full-stack developer, I decided I would just build it myself.

In 2013, the first simple version of Inzetrooster saw the light of day. Scheduling has never been so simple. Since then, Inzetrooster has continued to grow and develop. And new functionalities are still being added. We are proud to see that after 10 years, over ✅450 organisations and ✅59,543 volunteers are working with our app and that ✅1.3 million shifts have already been scheduled!

Does your organisation work with volunteers or does your organisation even have a volunteer duty? Inzetrooster is ideal for sports clubs, museums, healthcare, community centres, neighbourhood prevention, farms, churches, riding stables, schools, libraries and other organisations with volunteers.
Try Inzetrooster the first year for free.

Tags: #jubileum #inzetrooster #vrijwilligersapp
Hooray! Inzetrooster exists 10 years