Sending Request to Sign Up to New Volunteers or Members

Post: Update Posted 2024-10-07  

One of the most important forms in ShiftPlanner is the 'Send commitment request'. With this form, you can easily send a personalized email to new people, with standard texts that you can adjust to your liking.

You can send the message to one or multiple people at the same time. The email is personalized and includes a login button (with access token), allowing recipients to log in without a username or password.

What many administrators don't know is that this form offers several options for sorting people, including:

  1. Random sorting
  2. Sorting by least hours in the standard period
  3. Sorting by active date
The last option is especially useful when you only want to send the message to newly added people. You can then choose the default text 'Example text first time', which provides concise information for new volunteers or members.

Want to try it out? Login as administrator and go to Admin > Services > Send Request to Sign Up.

Tags: #login #shiftplanner #volunteers #app #requests #commitment
Sending Request to Sign Up to New Volunteers or Members